Saturday, October 4, 2008

Taking Chances, Making Mistakes, and Getting Messy

So, this is my official attempt at blogging and I'm thinking it's about time! As an opinionated person who loves to write, I don't know why I haven't done this sooner.
My sole intention with this blog is to share my adventures with the masses, particularly, my quest to deflower myself (not just sexually). Dream big, right? Yea, well while that is my ultimate goal (not in life, I assure you, just pertaining to this blog ), I will also be sharing my relationship woes that will inevitably occur on this journey as well as completely, unrelated things. Well enough with the preliminaries, let's get to the nitty gritty, the dirty dirty...

I am 21 years old, I live in Canada, I'm in my last year of university, completing an undergrad psych degree. I come from a strict Christian family who's values I have accepted wholeheartedly as far as I can remember (6rs old). As an extremely introverted and timid child, I followed my parents' rules unquestioningly until now..well I still kinda do. But I've just recently started to become rebellious (just a bit delayed) by smoking (only cigarettes, still not touching marijuana), drinking.. I thought I would've had a longer list but I'm still a work in progress in this whole rebellion thing. I've never had a boyfriend and hadn't experienced with boys until I started university (I have a couple theories about this, the primary one having to do with psychology and attachment theory, which I will explain at some other time).

So, why the sudden, procrastinated rebellion? Well I've decided that I've been too restricted by religion. I'm not saying religion is bad thing or that it restricts people, but personally, I feel that the decisions I've made were based mostly on fear. If I want to make a choice on what I should or shouldn't do, I want it to be because of the experiences I've had and not about what people would think of me. When I get older, I don't want to have any regrets about what I should have done so I'm learning to be more uninhibited.


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